
moving with more lifestyle freedom

Who am I January 18, 2008

Being the youngest of 13 children was not one of the most adorable experiences of my life. Having 12 older guys as siblings couldn’t make it worse. My parents made it a point though to give me what they thought that an only girl would want. My mom gave me all Barbie models, from Barbie in the table or in the bedroom. My dad brought me books that tackled girl stuff, from Cinderella to Seventeen to Cosmopolitan (yes, that’s how he truly adores me, that even if he’s 65, he buys me the monthly issue).

To work as a model was my dream. But with wide hips in my mother’s bloodline, and a height of 5’6, when wearing 2-inch heels, I have abandoned that dream and concentrated on taking pictures of the models. But that seems too far away(as of now) because I landed as an assistant photo editor in a small yet photo agency that takes pictures of all sports games across the state. The closest that I was to a model was when our on-the-field photographers submit pictures of models who were watching the games.


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